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Our speciality:

Quantative Hydrological Impact Evaluation

Hydrological assessment with satellite and ground based measurements. A special focus on: Impact evaluation for regenerative agriculture. We analyze, evaluate and recommend.


Are you looking for someone to: Research and project design or management? Write or publish to (scientific) media?


Education and fieldwork facilitation focused on hydrological or other environmental topics.


Some previous and current experiences.

Futureproof Water Resources in Peña Mayor

Consultancy to local water board

Hydrological impact of Food Forests

Impact quantification

Monitoring Waterlogging from Space

Observations from an irrigated sugarcane plantation

Yerbes Salvaxes

A personal project

Satellite data for Regenerative Agriculture

A challenge posed by Deloitte and Planet

Irrigation from space

A VICE documentary


Since 2016, I have immersed myself in the dynamic field of Agricultural Water Management, leveraging cutting-edge data from the ground, UAVs, and satellites. A PhD journey deepened my expertise in detecting waterlogging from space—a largely manmade issue in agriculture that can be mitigated through a different way of agriculture and informed, data-driven decisions. The key lies in adopting innovative production models rooted in diversity: Regenerative Agriculture Management. In recent years, I have focused on harnessing satellite data to monitor the transformative potential of Regenerative Agricultural Management. This work fuels my passion for demonstrating how a forward-thinking agricultural system can create positive hydrological impacts. But talk alone will not cut it —this is the time for ACTION RESEARCH.

That is why my family and I have fully embraced this mission, choosing to live as Agroforestry Farmers in Asturias, Spain. Here, we bridge theory and practice, living the very principles we advocate for, as we work toward shaping a resilient (agricultural) future.

  • 2016

    Socio-Hydrology of smallholders in India

    MSc thesis and fieldwork on a socio-hydrological framework for smallholder farmers in Marathwada, Maharashtra, India. How choosing cash crops and droughts drives the situation of smallholder farmers to a very precarious one.

  • 2017

    Small-scale Agriculture in Mozambique

    During my time at Research Consultancy FutureWater I was responsible for the execution of the project ThirdEye, where UAVs were enabled to assist local farmers in Mozambique in their daily agricultural practices. My position was part of the YEP programmes.

  • 2018-2022

    Industrial Agriculture in Mozambique

    During my time at VanderSat I focused on Agricultural applications of Satellite Remote Sensing, in particular for irrigation. I lead a project to advance Water Productivity with the help of data. The project encouraged me to start a PhD in observing waterlogging from space. A pressing issue in agriculture, especially in the sugarcane plantation we studied in Mozambique.

  • 2023

    A doctorate in observing agriculture from space

    In May 2023 I succesfully defended my PhD "Monitoring waterlogging from space - Observations from an irrigated sugarcane plantation." A very transformative journey on a personal and professional level. Throughout my PhD I worked as a Remote Sensing Scientist. While sometimes challenging to balance workload, my working environment has always been very supportive.

  • 2022-24

    Global Agriculture from Space

    VanderSat got aqcuired by Planet in 2022 and so did my job as a Remote Sensing Scientist. More and more the focus was on building scalable satellite products that could be used for any type of agriculture. But it more and more creeped in that I did not want to contribute to just any type of agriculture, especially knowing the many environmental problems we face today result from industrial agriculture.

  • 2024-present

    Combining Science and Practice

    I concluded in these past years sustainability is not enough. We will not secure our ecosystems for future generations by having just a little less negative impact on our natural surroundings. No, we have to be more radical! Initiate transformation from the roots and go after your highest potential. For me this means on a personal level: to step out of my consumerist self and co-create a community where ecological produce is abundant. And on a professional level: channel everything I know in co-creating and supporting new regenerative agricultural realities.

  • Let´s

Our Amazing Team

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little - Edmund Burke

Nadja den Besten

Water Scientist

Iñaki Cabo Ibarzabal

Environmental Educator

Cueva and Leo

Happiness Officers